  • CNPE

Fire proof mudsill or solboard

Jack pads, Soleboard or Mudsill Ekistack for stable surface*

Resists fracture, dampness and rot-proof

Base plate automatically positioned in the center of the mudsill

Easy to clean

Recycled and recyclable materials

Reusable and customizable with colors and brand logo

Color : red

Fire protection treatment :

- Not falling materiel or flaming drops (NF P 92-505)

- Heat release (EN ISO 1716)

Do not damage floors and painting


Use only on stable surfaces

Working Load Limit = 10 tons

Safety factor = 1,5

Maximum number of mudsills piled up = 5

Acceptable pressure with 20°C = 35 kg/cm²

The mudsills can stand high-pressure cleaners up to 200 bars at 80°C

We offer a 3 year warranty in compliance with the terms and conditions of use

*For hard ground, we use "Ekistack" for stable surface, because the ground is resistant


Prix dégressifs

Consultez le tableau "Remise sur la quantité" ci-dessous.
In Stock

Volume discounts

Quantity Unit price You Save
10 €27.27 €30.30
50 €24.24 €303.00
100 €21.21 €909.00
200 €19.70 €2,121.00
400 €18.18 €4,848.00
Cale Ignifugée
260 Items

Data sheet

2 cm (+/- 3mm)
26.5 cm (+/- 3mm)
26.5 cm (+/- 3mm)
2 kg

Specific References


Doc tech cale ignifugée

Download (360.84KB)

Unterlage feuerbeständig

Download (369.46KB)

Sole Board Fireproof

Download (365.99KB)
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